Practical Shooting for Law Enforcement
Practical Shooting for Law Enforcement
April 26, 2025 08:00 - 17:00
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Florence, TX 76527

Course Description

Action shooting competitions offer numerous training benefits for tactical shooters. Despite the many benefits, too few military, law enforcement, and defensive shooters take advantage of the training value inherent in these activities. This eight hour course will offer a comprehensive introduction to practical shooting competition, including shooting a match and receiving feedback on performance. 

Topics Covered:

Benefits of competition for tactical shooters
Scoring and the balance of speed and accuracy
Common rule sets in practical shooting competition 
Principles of stage design
The mental game and using competition to train for performance under stress
Training for application versus training for competition 
Using match performance to evaluate practical shooting skills
Creating a feedback loop to inform future training

Student Requirements

Serviceable pistol of 9mm or larger caliber, minimum 3 magazines (6 for single stack guns), belt, holster and at a minimum two mag pouches capable of retaining weapon and magazines during strenuous movement. Minimum 500 rounds of ammunition, although more is recommended. Eye/ear protection for range. No Serpa holsters or soft nylon/leather holsters permitted in class.