2025 Pirkle Sniper Competition
Thursday, June 5 - Saturday, June 7

2025 TTPOA Sniper Competition

Cost is $200 a team.

Pasadena PD Les Early Firearms Training Center, Texas

Registration opens January 1st.  (capped at 25 teams, limit one team per ageny.  After May 5th, if we have not reached 25 teams, we will open double agency entries)

The TTPOA Sniper Competition is a two day event that invovles 2 person teams. Out of state teams are welcome. The goal is to bring snipers together for a skill-specific competition while allowing teams to network and learn from each other. The team requirements are one sniper with a precision rifle and one spotter with a .223/556 platform. The spotter's optic is limited to 10x power or less. This competition is designed to challenge law enforcement/military snipers with challenging courses of fire. The events will require the team to communicate with each other to make shots from different distances and positions. These events are meant to be tough and physically demanding, but also realistic. Whether you are a new shooter or a seasoned one, your team will leave the competition with new knowledge and training hours.

Out of state teams, since you travel so far to the Great State of Texas, we will waive your dues for the association to compete. In state teams will need to pay dues to compete if you are not already an individual member or a part of a team membership. Get with me if you have registration issues. Remember, you must create an account to be able to register.  Team members must be certified law enforceement or federal LE, reserve or active military (see membership for more details).  You must qualify for membership to compete.

For questions about the Sniper Competition, contact Jon Agnew at jon.agnew@ttpoa.org


Host Hotel Info:

Fairfield Inn and Suites

3640 East Sam Houston Pkwy S,

Pasadena, Texas 77505

Rate: $119.00

Contact Susan Fillbrandt for room reservations at that rate.  email: susan.fillbrandt@ttpoa.org


You must have a user account with Organization Admin privileges to register members of your organization for this competition.
Pasadena, Texas 77507

Vendor registration is currently not available
Competition Images
2024 Winners - Lubbock PD