Course Details
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CQB Instructor - Level 1 and 2
11/11/2024 - 11/14/2024
09:00 - 17:00
Grand Prairie, TX 75051
Region 7
27 of 30 seats taken

Lead Faucet Tactical Close Quarters Battle Course elaborates on the basics of POD CQB. The course focuses on the building blocks of 4-5 man assault elements as well as multiple team CQB. The course covers fundamentals of CQB, crisis action planning, multiple entry points, hostage rescue and CQB TTPs.

Performance Objectives

Assaulters will be able to reiterate verbally specific knowledge pertaining to the class when asked. The Assaulter will be able to successfully demonstrate the duties and responsibilities of an Assault cell as well as the individual duties for the 1,2,3, and 4 men. Assaulter will comprehend POD CQB as well as HR specific CQB TTPs. Day and Night.

Fundamentals Covered During CQB Course

Duties and responsibilities of the assault cell, duties and responsibilities of the 1,2,3, and 4 men, actions upon entry for the 1 man, room clearing techniques for multiple rooms, opposing threats, breaching techniques if applicable, hallway procedures, intersection procedures, foyer procedures, stairwell procedures, priority of work inside a room, contingencies in a CQB environment, shooting and moving and how it applies to CQB. HR specific TTPs, multi team entry crisis action planning.

Equipment Needed

  • Carbine with blue bolt, sling and optic of choice, iron sights are suitable as well.
  • BUIS, light or laser if applicable.

Additional Equipment

  • Eye and Ear Pro
  • gloves
  • battle belt with holster
  • body armor if applicable
  • inclement weather clothing
  • flashlight and laser if it is a night course
  • pen and paper

Ammunition / Simunition

  • 5.56 simunition rounds 550rds (Bring more if available!!!)
  • Pistol simunition rounds  200 rounds
Registration/Payment Instructions:
You must register as a member for any TTPOA course ($30 for one year individual membership)
Credit card payment is strongly recommended. 
Inquiries regarding the course, payment or other questions can be directed to 
Mail checks to:
Att: LFT CQB 1&2 + Reg 7
PO Box 304
Burnet, TX 78611
*Please make checks payable to "TTPOA"
Questions, contact
Here are suggestions for hotels within 10 minutes of the training academy located in a decent area with many dining options nearby.