Scott Jedlinski
Scott Jedlinski

Scott Jedlinski

Scott Jedlinski Bio

Scott Jedlinski is a lifelong martial artist (TKD, Muay Thai, BJJ). He has received hundreds of hours of training from people considered to be the best in the industry ranging from tactical/self-defense to competition.

Scott is a Master class shooter in USPSA and is the 16th recipient of the F.A.S.T Drill (#15) coin along with being a three stripe Purple Belt under Tony Passos.

Scott's classes and thoughts have been shared in Media and publications like Primary & Secondary, Recoil Magazine, the NRA's Shooting Illustrated, SureFire's "Field Notes" series and Combat Handguns Magazine. He has been interviewed on well-known shows like Ballistic Radio, Firearms Nation, Concealed Carry Podcast and Street Warrior Radio.

Scott has been afforded the honor of instructing members of Pentagon ERT, US Marshall's Service, NYPD Instructor Cadre, Chicago SWAT, Ohio Tactical Officers Association, Texas Tactical Police Officers Association, George Mason University Police, Santa Ana CA PD, the FBI National Tactical Training Unit, US Border Patrol's FMU, Phoenix PD and many more.

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