Course Details
printable pdf
Red Dot Pistol Instructor
11/19/2025 - 11/20/2025
08:00 - 16:00
Houston, TX
Region 2
6 of 20 seats taken

**The Texas Tactical Police Officers Association (TTPOA) Regional 2 Directors will be available to address inquiries via email and will respond between the hours of 1500 and 0700 or on weekends as necessary.**



The goal for this course is to teach the officer my methodology for learning and teaching the fundamentals of employing the RDS-equipped pistol.

Red Dots on pistols are becoming more popular as options for carry/duty weapons. Part of mastery is training- here it is!

Topics Covered

  • Zeroing your red dot. 10yardzero.25 yard confirmation. Ammo selection.
  • Draw and how to stop fishing for the dot. Why back up irons are necessary?
  • Only use the necessary amount of information required to make an acceptably accurate shot at the speed and distance required.
  • Red dots up close. 5 yards and in.
  • Red dots at distance
  • Speed: Efficiency of draw and presentation.
  • Concealed and Open setups.
  • Speed is the economy of motion.
  • Speed is not useless frenetic movement.
  • Micro Drill training method.
  • Dot tracking: Grip, stance, dot movement, predictability. Stop over confirming the dot!
  • Modes of Practice
  • How to get better on your own. Dry fire for skill building. Live fire for confirmation.
  • Target transitions
  • Shooting on the move
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and fixing common problems with all the aforementioned skills

Equipment needed

  • Slide mounted red dot pistol.
  • The ability to carry 4 mags (1 in gun, 3 in pouches/pockets).
  • Good holster of student's choice. No Serpas. No old leather holsters.
  • 1000 rounds of reliable ammo.
  • Eye pro, Ear pro.
  • Open Mind

Instructor: Scott Jedlinski of Modern Samurai Project

Scott Jedlinski is a lifelong martial artist (TKD, Muay Thai, BJJ). He has received hundreds of hours of training from people considered to be the best in the industry ranging from tactical/self-defense to competition.

Scott is a Master class shooter in USPSA and is the 16th recipient of the F.A.S.T Drill (#15) coin along with being a three stripe Purple Belt under Tony Passos.

Scott's classes and thoughts have been shared in Media and publications like Primary & Secondary, Recoil Magazine, the NRA's Shooting Illustrated, SureFire's "Field Notes" series and Combat Handguns Magazine. He has been interviewed on well-known shows like Ballistic Radio, Firearms Nation, Concealed Carry Podcast and Street Warrior Radio.

Scott has been afforded the honor of instructing members of Pentagon ERT, US Marshall's Service, NYPD Instructor Cadre, Chicago SWAT, Ohio Tactical Officers Association, Texas Tactical Police Officers Association, George Mason University Police, Santa Ana CA PD, the FBI National Tactical Training Unit, US Border Patrol's FMU, Phoenix PD and many more.

Cost $630.00

Credit card payment is strongly recommended.  Last day to cancel and get your money back will be  10-19-25.  If paying by check, make checks payable to:  TTPOA and send them to PO Box 304, Burnet, Texas 78611 Make sure the check has a note saying " Region 2 Red Dot Pistol Class"

Any information regarding this course reach out to Regional Directors Victor Bachar or Michael Swartz