Nic is a graduate from Texas State University with a degree in Communication Design. Soon after graduating, Nic realized that his calling required a more selfless commitment to the community and a duty to serve. To date, he has sixteen years of law enforcement experience and is currently a fulltime SWAT operator in Texas for seven years. His experience extends to team training to include vehicle strategies, night vision tactics, SCBA application, and red dot optic skill building. Additionally, Nic has certifications in firearms, red dot instructor, CQB instructor, with multiple advanced courses in SWAT and sniper related courses.
Having experience in both the operations and competition side of SWAT life, Nic has a grasp for the requirements needed for a steady mindset and goal-oriented direction for mission success.
Over the years, Nic has maintained his focus on not only his skillsets as a SWAT officer, but on the aspects of applying his experiences and training to help officers gain insight and confidence in their abilities to make decisions and survive deadly encounters.