Fabio Spinella
Fabio Spinella

Fabio Spinella

Fabio Spinella Bio

Pro shooter for Team Beretta and on the Pro Staff for Modern Materiel rifles. Experienced firearms instructor and competitive shooter. As a firm believer that people are their own first line of defense, Fabio founded My Own Defender LLC whose mission is to equip busy people with the necessary skills to defend themselves, protect their loved ones, and survive trauma or disaster. To that end Fabio has helped countless gun owners acquire the appropriate knowledge and skills to learn when and how to deploy a force multiplier such as a firearm. In addition, Fabio is a Krav Maga black belt BJJ student and teaches self-defense to everyday people who understand the need for empty hand skills. Fabio travels around the US teaching pistol and rifle, and is a trusted expert in the performance shooting space.

Upcoming conference courses Fabio Spinella is teaching
Upcoming training courses Fabio Spinella is teaching