Mike Pannone
Mike Pannone

Mike Pannone


Mike Pannone Bio

Mike Pannone is a former operational member of U.S. Marine Reconnaissance, Army Special Forces (Green Beret) and 1st SFOD-D (Delta Force) as well as a competition USPSA pistol shooter holding a Master class ranking in Limited, Limited-10 and Production divisions. He has participated in stabilization, combat and high-risk protection operations in support of U.S. policies throughout the world as both an active duty military member, and a civilian contractor.

Specifically, in conduct of his duties as both a Special Operations soldier and a high-risk contractor, he has carried a handgun, trained others in the use of a handgun, and carried one as part of force protection and or combat operations.

The following countries he has carried a handgun as force protection and/or for combat operations or high-risk protection operations.

·        Papua New Guinea - force protection due to extraordinarily high crime rates and lawlessness

·        Haiti – during operations in Port Au Prince and while conducting training with Nepalese Contingent to MNF

·        Direct Action operations with 1st SFOD-D (Delta Force)

·        Bosnia/Croatia/Srpska/Serbia as part of the formal protection detail for Gen Meigs, COM/SFOR in Bosnia

·        High Risk protection Iraq

·        Combat operations Iraq

·        Training and force protection in Kuwait

 Mike has conducted dedicated instructor development training for and with but not limited to the following organizations:

·        Created and implemented pistol training curriculum for the Federal Air Marshal Service as the head range instructor at the school in Atlantic City

·        Created and implemented pistol training curriculum for the Seattle Field Office as the head in-service instructor.

·        Created and implemented pistol, rifle and tactics curriculum for the Asymmetric Warfare Group, taught to every element of the 82nd Airborne Division prior to their deployment on the IZ surge in 2007.

·        US Army 82nd Airborne Division 1/325 PIR

·        USMC- 1st and 3rd SOTG, Marine Security Forces (pistol and rifle)

·        US Navy Special Warfare (pistol and rifle)

·        US Navy EOD (pistol and rifle)

·        US Secret Service (pistol and rifle)

·        Federal Bureau of Investigations (vehicle tactics, pistol and rifle)

·        US Drug Enforcement Agency (vehicle tactics, pistol and rifle)

·        LA Sheriff’s Department (pistol and rifle)

·        Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department (pistol and rifle)

·        Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department (CQB, pistol and rifle)

·        Riverside Sheriff’s Department (pistol and rifle)

·        Kuwaiti Special Forces Special Police (urban tactics, pistol and rifle)