Jonas Polson
Jonas Polson

Jonas Polson

Owner / Lead Trainer

Jonas Polson Bio

After conducting 13 1/2 years of military service in US Army Special Operations, primarily GWOT timeframe, Jonas Polson has been insturmental in the development and advancement of current practices and capabilities to Law Enforcement across the county. His programs have advanced Law Enforcement individually to collectively in various mission and everyday critical skillsets and capabilities that are designed to meet and overcome any crisis contingency LEOs are facing today. Primarly during crisis. Methodoligies are principle driven through real world pracrites with a modern approach on progressive buidling stages that enforce correct fundamental applications, accountability, and efficienty techniques that meet the principle of the action and / or mission. 

Jonas has advanced SWAT teams in advanced practices of assault and structural breaching or the basic 4, various urban / rural tactics, night vision operations, varoius stages and capabilites of marksmanship both pistol and carbine, internal programn development and sustainment for SWAT teams and LEO agencies, urban rope assault practices, and aerial gunnery and rotary wing practices, and customized programs to meet the misson needs. Jonas has extensive experience working with Patrol elements, training units and trainers, detectives, SROs on crisis mitigation, and more. 

All programs are to progress the individual and / or team to be ready for the fight on tomorrow's unknowns. 

Upcoming conference courses Jonas Polson is teaching
Upcoming training courses Jonas Polson is teaching