Course Details
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Hostage Rescue Deliberate vs Dynamic CQB Instructor Level Course
05/07/2025 - 05/09/2025
08:00 - 16:00
Grand Prairie, TX 75051
Region 7
34 of 35 seats taken

Description- This 3-day course will focus heavily on the necessary individual operator, team leader, and instructor level skillsets to successfully conduct and teach Close Quarter Battle (CQB) tactical operations with a heavy emphasis on Hostage Rescue, Active Threat, and Active Shooter Scenarios. This course curriculum is designed as a “train the trainer” approach with a wide range of skill sets covered from individual operator procedures to senior team leader tactical clearance flow methods. This course will explain the major tactical differences between deliberate and dynamic CQB to help determine which method should be used for different types of law enforcement operations for the scenario they are faced with.

A wide range of individual and team leader-level techniques will be taught to ensure that both junior and senior officers are prepared for a wide range of CQB operational challenges. Participants will also understand the “Hybrid” clearance concept in certain situations where deliberate and dynamic CQB tactics are morphed together to provide the officer the best chance for success in a chaotic high-risk scenario. CQB clearance methodology with each type of tactic will be explained so participants have a high level of understanding of how each tactic is implemented. CQB RSO setup and instructional training points will also be covered ensuring each participant has enhanced knowledge to take back to their respective departments and agencies.




Training objectives covered-


·       Equipment set up to include primary, secondary, and tactical gear for Dynamic Hostage Rescue Situations

·       Instructor level Basic to advanced weapons handling for CQB operations Dynamic Hostage Rescue Situations

·       Team Leader Level CQB “Flow Methodology” Dynamic Hostage Rescue Situations

·       Threat identification and de-escalation techniques

·       Stealth to contact tactics in Hostage Rescue Situations

·       Simmunition shooting through doorway techniques and skillsets

·       Simmunition shooting around barricades

·       Priority of threats

·       1-4 Man room entry responsibilities

·       Instructor level CQB team methodology and movement flow for each type of CQB Technique

·       Instructor level Basic to advanced room entries techniques for Dynamic CQB

·       Instructor level Basic to advanced room entries techniques for Deliberate CQB

·       Bangs/Crash procedures and implementation during Hostage Rescue scenarios

·       CQB Tactical Verbiage and Calls for Dynamic Clearance

·       CQB Instructor/RSO protocols and training objectives for CQB operations

·       RSO and Team Leader Instructor teach backs

·       Force on Force Scenarios





Gear List-


·       Tactical Vest and Helmet

·       Tactical Belt with holster-appropriate pouches

·       Primary weapon system with 4x magazines (Sim Only)

·       Secondary weapon system with 3x magazines (Sim only)

·       Tactical Uniform for live fire range and CQB

·       Eye and Ear protection

·       Simunition protective clothing to include Sims Helmet

·       Long sleeve shirt and gloves

·       250 rounds primary weapon system (Sim)

·       150 rounds secondary weapon system (Sim)

·       Blue Body/Inert bangs/crashes

·       Range Chair (Optional)

·       Lunch (Optional-Students will be given approx. 1 hour each day)







Instructor Bio-


Trey Lindsey is the founder and CEO of Gallowglass Guardian Group; a tactical, security, and defense consulting company based out of Dallas, Texas. Trey served in the United States Navy for over 20 years, 18 of which were spent as a Navy SEAL including 13 years as a member of the Navy’s Tier 1 Special Mission Unit, SEAL Team 6. Throughout his time at Team 6, Trey held a variety of senior enlisted leadership positions. He also served as a Naval Security Forces Police Officer with a specialty in physical security and anti-terrorism. A seasoned combat veteran, Trey participated in more than a dozen operational deployments overseas during his career.

Leveraging his extensive military experience, he has dedicated his post-military career through his company Gallowglass Guardian Group, to enhancing training proficiencies for law enforcement, military, and civilians through security and defense consulting, tactical training courses, leadership and team building as well as communications and public speaking. He holds a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship from American Military University. Upon his retirement from the military, Trey is also the appointed Assistant Chief of Police and Deputy Director of Public Safety for Newman International Academy with campuses based out of Tarrant and Dallas counties in Texas. He also holds a commission for Louisiana POST in Richland Parish. 

This is an LE or MIL-only class

Credit card payment is strongly recommended.  Inquiries regarding the course, payment or other questions can be directed to Last day to cancel and get your money back will be 4-25-25. If paying by check, make checks payable to:  TTPOA and send them to PO Box 304, Burnet, Texas 78611, with a note Region 7 HR Instructor